Gofal cymru care

Quality Service

At Gofal Cymru Care our vision, mission and culture revolve around ensuring the well-being of and the best possible outcomes for individuals in our care. As such we are constantly seeking to improve our practices in order to ensure their well-being.

We operate under the core values of professionalism, candour, integrity, honesty, fairness and commitment. Equality and diversity are central to everything we do; we strive to create an atmosphere where everyone is valued for their contribution.

We build our staff teams around the needs of those we support and ensure they all receive specific training geared around those individuals.   Each individual is assigned a keyworker who works closely with and advocates for them.

The senior care team support staff to monitor and assess individuals and carry out regular reviews of risk assessments and management plans. In house management is backed up by an experienced corporate team.

As well as external audits and inspections by CIW, Local Authorities and Health Boards we carry out our own regular internal audits in order to quality check our provision and identify any areas for improvement.

Annual review meetings are held involving the individual, their family members, care team and any other professionals involved in their care. A person-centred approach is used to review goals from the previous year and set new aims for the coming year.

We believe that having a well trained work force is essential for the safety and well being of both residents and staff.  On top of their initial induction training staff undertake a range of classroom based and online training and on completion of their probation period are supported to undertake QCF training. 

The company holds epilepsy, positive behavioural management, diabetes control and other specific person centred workshops whenever a need is identified to help staff provide a better standard of care and support and ensure we meet the physical, mental and emotional health needs of individuals.